Our Boys

"JACK" (East Harbor's You Don't Know Jack of TGK JH - SR71953606)
Whelped on 03/10/2012 by GMPR Murphy's Kiera of TGK JH, and sired by MPR TGK'S Return of the Jedi JH.
Other dogs of notoriety in Jack's pedigree:
GMPR Cajun of Black Forest MH
GMPR Sir Hershey of Surrey
GMPR Wannamaker's Hot Tub SH
GMPR Eli's Blackjack Tori
GMPR Rik's Risky Raider MH
GMPR QAA Bar None's Snake River Otter MH
FC AFC Crow Rivers Malarky's Cougar
and many, many others.
Jack is 81# of spring-steeled muscle, he is EIC and CNM clear through parentage, is PRA & RD/OSD clear through testing, his PENN Hip results are in the 90th percentile, and he is OFA certified "good" hips and "normal" elbows.

"VAN" (CPR FatCity Real Deal Holyfield JH - SR98804611)
Whelped 04/16/2017 by 4xGMPR FatCity Caty Haddie JH and sired by GMPR Jazztime LL's Mr Cool Jay QAA.
Van is a recent 2019 acquisition for East Harbor Gundogs. He is well mannered, has extremely strong prey drive, is a strong swimmer, has a clean, crisp point, and is easy to manage at home and in the field. Van is also recessively factored chocolate.
He has clear 7-panel genetic screening from Pawprint Genetics, and Van's OFA ratings are "good" for hips, "normal" for elbows.
We are looking forward to working further with Van and seeing what kind of puppies he can help produce with some of our girls.

"COAL" (East Harbor's High Calliber Diamond In The Rough- SS01271907), sired June 29th, 2018 by 4xGMPR Bo Knows High Caliber MH, and whelped by CPR High Caliber's Gettin Down N Dirty.
Coal is somewhat reserved until you get him in front of birds or on a hunt test field, then the switch goes on and he is all business, a relentless pursuer of wild game.
Coal is 65# of long, lean muscle. He has a clear genetic marker panel through Pawprint Genetics (EIC / CNM / PRA / RD/OSD / SD2). Hips OFA rated "fair," elbows normal.

"CYCLONE" (East Harbor's Storm Before the Calm - SS34171601), sired March 20th, 2022, by 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane (Kane), and East Harbor's Black Ice Betty.
Cyclone can be a clown as he loves to play with people, but switches to all business when working with birds. He is tough as nails but friendly as the day is long.
Cyclone's hips and eyes will be evaluated in the spring of 2024, and assuming everything is normal he will be standing at stud at that time.