Our Girls

"BETTY" (East Harbor's Black Ice Betty - SR92626402)
Whelped 03/31/2016 by GMPR HRCH Black Ice's Risky Raiders Smooth Groovin Jazz SH and sired by GMPR HRCH Black Ice's Supersonic Scooter MH. Betty is the first full-blooded East Coast addition to our family.
Betty's pedigree is littered with heavily titled dogs:
1.5XGMPR Calumet's Wild Card MH QAA
3XGMPR HRCH 2XNC Reno's Black Ice MH
FC AFC Calumet's Supersonic
2XNAFC, FC, AFC, CAFC, 2XCNAFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
4XGMPR Cashman's Super Trooper
GMPR Rik's Risky Raider MH
Betty is EIC, CNM, PRA, and RD/OSD clear through testing.
Betty has all of the tenacity we see in her half sister, our "Daisy," and we expect another great performer out of this young lady.

"CORKIE" (East Harbor's Little Brown Jug of TGK - SR97998902)
Whelped 03/06/2017 by 4XGMPR Trinity's Power of Three of TGK SH and sired by 4XGMPR Wing Magic Santa Fe Jake MH QAA
Corkie is a high energy, fearless young lady. If you look at Corkie's pedigree you will see that like all of our dogs, hers is rich in talent going back a few generations - lots of titled dogs in there.
OFA Evaluation: Elbows normal, hips excellent.

"MIRACLE" (East Harbor's Water Into Wine - SS01271907), sired May 6, 2019 by CPR Fat City's Real Deal Holyfield JH (Van) , and whelped by East Harbor's Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley.
Miracle (aka: Pee-Wee), is fairly small, about 50# of action-figure who absolutely loves birding, and will spin in circles when overly excited - just like her father VAN.
Miracle is a carrier of nothing, by parentage. Her OFA X-rays will be done in the Spring of 2021, and assuming she gets passing marks on them Miracle will be eligible for breeding at that point.

"RITA" (East Harbor's Lovely Meter Maid - SS28248402), sired May 27, 2021 by GRHRCH Revitt Up's Power "Surge MNR MH (Diesel), and whelped by CP Black Bear's Rebble With a Pebble (Pebbles). Rita is quite a handful-and-a-half who is very aggressive when it comes to pointing and retrieving upland birds. She is also friendly and great around children.
Rita is a carrier of nothing, by parentage. OFA X-ray results: elbows normal, hips excellent. Rita also has an OFA CAER certificate meaning her eyes are clear of any genetic anomalies..

"SHRIMP" (East Harbor's Itsy-bitsy teeny weenie), SS28654802, was whelped 7/27/2021 by our Betty (East Harbor's Black Ice Betty) and sired by our Van CPR (Fat City's Real Deal Holyfield JH). Shrimp is kind, gracious, and bird crazy. She is wonderful around children and strangers.
Shrimp is a carrier of nothing by parentage. OFA X-ray results: elbows normal, hips excellent. Shrimp also has an OFA CAER certificate, meaning her eyes are clear of any genetic anomalies.

"RUBY" (East Harbor's Don't Take Your Love to Town - SS31471604), sired March 20, 2022, by 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane (Kane), and whelped by East Harbor's Black Ice Betty (Bety). Ruby is happy, gregarious, inquisitive, and full of desire when it comes to working with birds. She has a wonderful, loving family-oriented disposition.
Ruby is a carrier of nothing by parentage. OFA X-ray results: elbows normal, hips excellent. .

"STELLA" (East Harbor's Streetcar Named Desire SS31471604), born 04/21/2023, sired by CPR Fat City's Real Deal Holyfield (Van) and whelped by East Harbor's Little Brown Jug (Corky). Stella started out a bit shy but is hell on wheels, fearless, and has a full bottle of drive when it comes to birds. She also is happy, friendly, and very loving.
Stella is a carrier of nothing by parentage. Her OFA X-rays will be done in the spring of 2025, and assuming she gets passing marks on them, Stella will be eligible for breeding at that point.